Review Week Comments and Feedback!

Review week comments and feedback!

So in today’s blog post I will be talking about comments and feedback I’ve received on this blog and comments and feedback I’ve left on others blogs. I think the quality of the comments I’ve been receiving on my blog are very high and detailed and I definitely have benefited a lot from the comments and feedback I was receiving from students in my class. When it comes to constructive criticism, I take it very well which helps me to improve my blog posts and game. 

A lot of comments on my post are of my classmates agreeing with me, what I’m doing and being in similar situations, which reassures me about not doing anything wrong but then again it’s so frustrating having to be in situations like with Unity shutting down while midworking on my game. I find these kinds of comments most useful especially since I wouldn’t be the most interested in game design or even the best so when I see others having the same problems as me, that way I know I’m not the problem.

I find looking at other classmate's blog posts as beneficial if not more than reading the comments I receive on mine, especially when it comes to tech tasks. My first time trying a tech task was through reading someone else’s blog post (Tochi’s to be specific) so I always try to express how thankful I am for being introduced to that. Reading other classmates' game design blog posts gives me inspiration too, on what to have in my game, the quality of it etc.

Another thing I really like about the blog posts and comments is that they are a way of communicating with and getting to know other people in my course, that maybe I have never talked to before or that I haven’t talked to since the last day of college or even never talked to at all, I think it's a great way of communications.

I’m really happy with my introduction post. I talked about everything that I needed to like what I did that summer, my hobbies, my interests etc. My favourite thing to read on people’s blogs is their introduction post as it invites the reader to get to know the person through it. I wrote it in such a way that someone who doesn’t me can get to know me through it. 

So moving forward, I will talk about my experience I’ve had with my tasks rather than just what I learned because for the last couple of weeks I’ve tried to keep my experience aside and just talk about what I learned for that task. 


I like this image a lot as it states the meaning of ‘feedback’ in a very specific way. 

I would like to thank everyone who has given me feedback on my posts as they have really helped me to better my blog posts and change everything I am doing wrong so for that thank you!

Anyway that is it for today's blog post!


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