Week 9 Reading and Writing!

Reading and Writing Reflection!

In this week’s blog post I will be reflecting on the reading and writing assignments, they have actually been working well for me, surprisingly they’re what I enjoy/ed doing most in this module. I enjoyed it most because I like writing and am good at summarising things, although I have never written this much about Game Design in my life, it’s been nice learning about it. 

My favourite reading so far has been the Game MDA one, it’s my favourite because it helped me further my knowledge on Game Design while also understanding the point and definition of a game. I divided my notes into summarised bullet points since that helps me learn easier. 

My notes have been helping in a way and that is of understanding what the meaning of a game is, why people play games, what makes it fun, what my game should consist of etc, in that way, not really in a way of knowing how to design the game but that’s what the lengthy Unity tutorials are for, right?

When it comes to reading/ research strategies, I used one, my favourite, which I don’t even know if it would be considered a ‘strategy’ but definitely text to speech, when writing the blogs I would start them on google docs where I could use this feature, and just speak about everything, my summary, reflections etc. I then copied and pasted that into blogger and just added bullet points, full stops, comas… which made it so much easier for me in a way but then again that could be me just being lazy! Also when having to read the articles I would use the speech service on my laptop for it to read it out for me while I’m doing something, like folding clothes because it can get really boring reading about the same topic for so long. I only used this where possible, some of the articles didn’t allow for this feature to be used because of the type of document. 

I am really happy with my game project, not because I think it’s great but because I know I tried, this also ties in with my biggest accomplishment, I stayed patient throughout a lot of the problems I had with Unity, at the start I got frustrated and just gave up when it shut down once or twice but I started to be more patient and that has helped me when it came to trying and not giving up so easily.

Game Design Progression

Now for my favourite image, it’s this one. It’s my
favourite because it shows a progressing pattern, which made me realise that what we thought was really good a few years ago, is great and amazing now. Time helps with the development. 

Now to talk about what I want to start doing to get more out of the reading and writing experiences, I will start doing the reading and writing with someone else in my class to make this process more fun and less boring.

Well anyway, that’s it for this blog post!


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